viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

How to Wrirte a Plan to Program Evaluation

Planning an evaluation of a program or project

It is not easy to evaluate something if we don’t have clearer idea for the program or project and the purpose of the evaluation, it will be difficult to improve or find the mistake in the program or project. In this class we learn the steps to follow and make a plan of evaluation of a program or project, also teacher gave us the guide (it is like questionnaire with sequence, and we just follow the question and answer it) to make our plan of the evaluation.
My group chooses the National Tourism Plan 2014 in El Salvador to make a program evaluation. Of course we are not really going to evaluate it; we just make a plan and have an idea about what program evaluation is.
The first step is choose the program or project to evaluate, after choose it, evaluator should have an idea about the program or project, where is developed its, what objective it has. Then, the evaluator has to specify what the purpose to evaluate the program or project is.
Evaluator should decide what type of evaluation to conduct the evaluation. There are goals evaluation, process evaluation and the outcome evaluation, each type of evaluation aims different parts, according the purpose of the evaluation, thus the evaluator has to analyze which one is suitable to reach the evaluation’s objective.
After knowing the program or project, evaluator has to make a chronogram or time chart to organize time for the whole evaluation process, also planning the activities to collect information/data (using methods that can collect better the data). And not only using methods to collect data, evaluator has to visit different institution who can give more information and searching online for existing information.
When the evaluator has the data, he/she will use PC program to interpret or process to make arrangement, and then analyze it.
The steps what I typed below are the simple ways, I stronger recommend you to ask help to some expert or professor who know about the program evaluation, them will give you an expertise to make it.
Program evaluation is not only to see if it works or not, most important is to find the improving way and correct something that is not useful or suitable in the place of the program or project developing.

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